The Growth Series

Top tips for increasing enquiries for brokers

Originally published on 10/08/20

Generating new enquiries can be a challenge, particularly if you feel your referral pool running a little dry. Luckily, there are always new ways to get in front of your target audience and bring in new prospects.

Content offers

One of the most tried and tested ways to increase enquiries is to create a content offer. A content offer is a resource, such as a guide or checklist, that you create and provide in exchange for a visitor’s information, so they become a lead.

Although a lead itself is not an enquiry, this process still helps to generate enquiries in two ways. 

First, any leads that you generate through this process will be brought into your contacts and nurtured until they are ready to enquire. 

Second, by creating thoughtful, authoritative content, you will ensure that your brand is both known and trusted by visitors. Clients are more likely to enquire with companies that are seen as knowledgeable and trustworthy.

Learn more: Brokers - Engaging Content Ideas

Learn more: How to Write a Content Creation Proforma

Paid ads

A more direct solution to generating enquiries is to utilise paid ads. While this does require some capital investment, paid ads can be especially effective when done properly. 

You have many options for paid advertising, but using Google ads draws visitors with the highest level of intent to contact, as these people are already searching for help with a mortgage. By using paid ads, you can ensure that your business is one of the first names they see during their search.

Learn more: Advertising online: How to get started

Social media

Maintaining and expanding your social media presence is a key method for increasing the number of enquiries you receive.

You can increase enquiries by sharing your content on your social channels, commenting on posts to offer advice, and generally sharing insights, views and resources that are valuable to prospective clients. Creating value will bring more visitors to your site and encourage more enquiries.

Use your social network to showcase your knowledge and ability so that your followers want to turn to you rather than any other broker.

Learn more: What social media channel is best for your firm?

Learn more: How social media can help scale up your business


Building relationships and raising the profile of your brand can be a costly, time-consuming process, so physically putting yourself in front of other stakeholders in your industry can often be a quick win.

Industry events, conferences and seminars will be attended by high-level speakers and other businesses such as law firms and mortgage lenders, so they offer a great opportunity for you to engage with them and make yourself known.

That could lead to many of them recommending you to their clients and building a steady, reliable source of new leads.

Learn more: How to make the most of networking events


Many of us work remotely for several days a week, so we’re no strangers to attending meetings, conference calls and online events from the comfort of our own home.

With that in mind, there’s no reason why you can’t arrange your own web-based event, using the video conference tools you already have in place.

Base it around a topic that you know will appeal to your target audience and give yourself time to encourage sign-ups (you can use some of the other methods in this article to spread the word!)

When people sign up for a webinar, they show a high degree of interest in the subject, so make it easy for them to enquire by sending a follow-up email with your contact details.

Learn more: Why brokers should be hosting webinars


Video is one of the highest performing types of content. In fact, 54% of consumers want to see more video content from businesses that they support. It’s a great way to communicate quickly and it is eye-grabbing enough to attract attention from followers on various platforms.

Because video is well-received by social media algorithms (it has the highest engagement rates, so it gets brought to the tops of news feeds), it’s a great way to expand your reach and get more people interested. 

Learn more: Using video to generate more leads

Email marketing

To this day, email marketing remains one of the most effective methods of generating leads and enquiries, and following the introduction of GDPR, that’s more true than ever.

Contacts who continue to opt in to your emails are interested in hearing from you, so it’s important to capitalise on that and provide valuable content for prospects, such as guides, articles and podcasts that can help them move along the buyer journey.

Learn more: How to harness the power of email

Learn more: How to generate leads through email marketing

Online reviews

People tend to trust their peers (other clients) more than any other type of marketing you can do. 

So by encouraging happy clients to review your business on the likes of Google and Trustpilot, you will be creating more noise around your brand and give your business greater credibility.

Learn more: How to encourage happy clients to leave positive feedback

Learn more: 5 reasons you should be getting reviews

Optimise your website

Your website is your digital shop window and a vital tool for generating new leads.

It’s therefore important to make sure your website is optimised for conversion, with pages designed to drive visitors to your contact page and move along the sales funnel.

Learn more: 10 things to improve your website performance

Learn more: Top tips to create a lead generating website

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