The Growth Series

Website basics to consider

We get a lot of questions about what we consider to be the key things to include in a website. How can you get the right image of your brokerage across? What’s the best way to give a flavour of what you really stand for? In this blog, we take a look at some website basics.


Does the word ‘you’ feature frequently on your website? Your site needs to be about what you offer but more importantly, it needs to be relevant to your web visitor. Remember, your main aim is to get your visitor to stay on the site and look around - not leave straightaway and give you a high bounce rate. So engage with them from the outset. Make them feel the centre of your attention.

That’s why we recommend using the word ‘you’ eg, ‘We will find the right mortgage for you’ rather than ‘We’ve been finding mortgages for customers or individuals since… ‘. It’s much more direct and personal. A good technique is to ask questions: ‘Are you a first time buyer?’, ‘Are you looking to remortgage?’ etc.  



Clear messaging

Leading on from this, make it easy to navigate around the site. Use headings and short, punchy copy. You want the visitor to stay on your site, but your ultimate aim is to get them to contact you so include lots of calls to action eg, ‘Arrange a call’, ‘Get in touch’.

Remember the WIIFM factor - your visitor will be wondering ‘what’s in it for me?’ Believe us, they will not be bothered whether your company was formed in 1893 or not. Yes, they want to know they can trust you and that you’ve got a good track record but there are other ways of showing that.

Contact page

Everyone is different and will have a preferred way of contacting you so try and set up your contact page to accommodate as many ways as possible. Have a form but also have your phone number, email address and social media details together with your address for anyone who may drop in. We saw one example where a firm had put their Google* summary and review rating right next to their contact form - a great way of validating someone’s decision to contact you as they fill in their details.


If you’ve been a mortgage broker for a while, it’s easy to forget that, for the customer, getting a new mortgage can be uncharted territory. So break down what’s involved into easy steps. Demonstrate what you do in a clear process, showing them what to expect and outlining the benefits of your approach.     

Team profile

The old adage ‘people buy people’ is true so make sure you have a team page. It’s a good idea to invest in some professional photography. You want your advisers to come across as friendly and approachable as well as ‘knowing their stuff’. Personal profiles don’t have to be purely work based - make sure the descriptions include hobbies and interests to give a rounded view.       

Be a guru

Your website is your chance to demonstrate your authority. Have a blog page or ‘knowledge centre’ with useful content. Why not record a video of yourself speaking on a topical issue? Throughout the site refer to your team as ‘expert advisers’.    

Social proof

One of the most important things your visitor will be looking for is evidence that other people have used your service and been happy. Make sure your site has lots of testimonials and client stories covering different scenarios. Include links to reviews on Google, Trustpilot and Facebook. There is nothing more valuable than a customer referring you to someone else.    

So those are some key points to get you started. The most important point about your website is to view it as an evolving entity. Once you’ve nailed the basics, keep reviewing it, tracking progress and making changes as required.

The Accord Growth Series

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