While ministers haven’t formally announced changing the EPC rules for the rental market just yet, the move has been widely reported, so it is perhaps only a matter of time before an official announcement comes.
That means landlords have nothing to lose from making sure their portfolio of rental properties is as energy-efficient as possible. By acting straight away, they can get ahead of the demand for cleaner, greener accommodation from tenants, book the tradesmen and suppliers that they need to carry out the upgrades, and ensure they remain commercially viable in the long-term.
Mortgage brokers working with landlords could therefore be doing their clients a great service by making sure they know that the EPC requirements could be set to get much stricter and why it matters to them.
As a result, we've put together a document that outlines some of the most significant impacts that your landlord clients might feel as a result of these changes in order to help you communicate the full extent of these rules.
Download your copy below. The word version has a space at the top of page one where you could add your own logo before handing it on to your landlord clients.
While ministers haven’t formally announced changing the EPC rules for the rental market just yet, the move has been widely reported, so it is perhaps only a matter of time before an official announcement comes.
While ministers haven’t formally announced changing the EPC rules for the rental market just yet, the move has been widely reported, so it is perhaps only a matter of time before an official announcement comes.
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